Somalia Child Right Coalition is an independent multi-sectoral coalition of civil society organizations involved in and with child rights issues to largely advocate for making child rights a high priority in the Somalia government’s agenda and at national, regional and international levels. The overall aim of the CSO Coalition on Child Rights is to advocate, influence policy formulation, report on international legal treaties and be the voice of Somali children.

The CRCSom works to support implementation of the UN CRC and promote children’s rights in Somalia and engage in the process of demanding accountability in public and private investment in child rights, monitoring and influencing the implementation of child-related policies and laws by Federal Republic of Somalia.

The coalition has worked on several interventions and has engaged government, private sector, civil society, and development partners as well as other key stakeholders at the local, national, regional and global levels.

CRC Som has contributed immensely to promoting child rights, particularly with the efforts in the
formulation and amendment of laws pertaining to

What We do

  • Our Core Objectives

    Advocate strong system of children's rights, an effective national system of child care and protection, and improved availability of quality services and support to ensure all children have equal opportunities and develop to their full potential.

  • Our Vession

    Child Right Coalition Somalia aspires all children in Somalia are guaranteed of their full rights and the Somali Government (regional and federal level) and Civil Society Actors commit providing conducive environment for Children.

  • Our Mission

    Advocate for the protection of the child rights through empowering civil society and working in partnership with the government and federal states authorities to implement National, Regional and International laws on child rights.

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CRCSom has contributed   immensely to promoting child rights, particularly with the efforts in the formulation and amendment of laws pertaining to children.




Head Quarter : Mogadishu,Somalia


The CRCSom works to support implementation of the UN CRC and promote children’s rights in Somalia .

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